Download: A Proactive Approach: Insights from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report
The most recent National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2019 shows that 5,333 fatal workplace injuries occurred in 2019, the largest annual number since 2007. This startling statistic leads us to ask; Why aren’t efforts to improve worker safety generating a meaningful reduction in workplace injuries?
EOXS Podcast: Stories on Steel
Paul Thurber, Director of Business Development and Safety at Everguard, was featured on this week’s episode of EOXS Podcast – ‘Stories on Steel’ to share how he got his start in steel and the importance of safety in the industry.
Forbes: Understanding the Human Connection: Human Activity Recognition, Safety and Productivity
Everguard CEO Sandeep Pandya's latest contribution to Forbes Technology Council focuses on the value construction, manufacturing and other heavy industries are realizing from human activity recognition (HAR) technologies when it comes to protecting their most important asset, their people.
Why Safety Professionals Need to Become Technologists today announced the commercial release of Sentri360™ - an end-to-end safety solution that alerts management and workers in real time to potential safety hazards.'s mission is to make the world's industrial environments safer.
Download: Understanding How Sensor Fusion AI Is Making Steel Industry Workplaces Safer
When it comes to employee health and safety in the steel industry, sensor fusion-based AI gives mills, fabricators and processors the ability to shift from a reactive response to a proactive, behavioral training. This technology helps bring the industry one step closer to reaching the goal of an accident-free steel industry.